This institution is a Academy Sponsor Led in Essex. This institution's URN is 140669. It caters to students aged 11 to 18 . It adopts a Unknown admissions policy. Its role in the education scene is Secondary.
The URN for this school is 140669.
The school in Essex is overseen by the Local Authority of Suffolk .
The school is located at Exning Road , Unknown , Newmarket , with the postcode CB8 0EB.
You can contact the school through the provided phone number and website below:
This is an state-funded secondary .
The school welcomes students with ages ranging from 11 to 18 years.
The UKPRN is 10045441.
This school falls under the “secondary” category for educational phases.
It’s a mixed school.
The school has does not apply religious character.
The school has a unknown admissions policy.
The name of the current headteacher is Mr Nick Froy.
The school is currently open.
The opening date for the school is 1/4/2014
The parliamentary constituency name and code is West Suffolk and E14001034.