GGPS KHAJURI WALA is a renowned institution established in 1981. The EMISCODE of this institute is 34330787. GGPS KHAJURI WALA is located in village khajuri wal po kotli loharan west. It is a Both medium, Primary level Govt. School.
Frequently asked questions about Ggps Khajuri Wala
Which year was Ggps Khajuri Wala established ?
Ggps Khajuri Wala was established in 1981
Which level does this institution offer ?
It is an Both medium Govt. School which offers classes up to Primary level.
What is the EMISCODE of this institute?
The EMISCODE of Ggps Khajuri Wala is 34330787.
Where does this institution locate ?
District : sialkot
Tehsil : SIALKOT
MOZA : Khajuriwal Wal
LOCATION : village khajuri wal po kotli loharan west
STREET : Khajuri wal
UNION : Barthanwala
Other Information
Establishment Year : 1981
EMISCODE EIIN : 34330787
District : sialkot
Tehsil : SIALKOT
MOZA : Khajuriwal Wal
LOCATION : village khajuri wal po kotli loharan west is a smart information portal of all educational institutes from different countries including Singapore, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri lanka, Bahrain etc. We are providing curated information at your fingertip since 2022.